Parents and Friends Group


DPS Parents & Friends organise some fantastic events and support the school community which have created some amazing memories for our children and their families.

Some of these events include Family Dance Night, Potato fair, Colour Run and a Pie Drive. Funds raised through these events have help enhance our children’s schooling experience. We have raised funds for seating and benches around the school, Landscaping, Gaga Pits and sporting equipment.

The purpose of P&FG is to maximise opportunities for families to be involved at school. We would like to extend an invitation to any parent /carers and family members who have a current Working With Children Check and would like to be involved in any of the following ways:

  • Gardening Club
  • Classroom Helpers – Prep – Year 3, 1-2 50 minute sessions a week to listen to reading, tidy classroom libraries, assist with materials, etc, to be advised by teachers
  • Fundraising Events – Potato Fair, Superwoman Stall (May) Superman Stall (Aug)
  • Sports Events – House Cross Country, House Athletics
  • Working Bees – Held once a Term, usually a Sunday morning
  • Excursion and Camps – to be advised by teachers
  • School Concert – costume helpers, advised by teachers
  • BBQs – Prep Orientation, Family Dance Night
  • Social Events – coffee catch-ups, Trivia/Bingo Night, etc
  • plus many more.

If you are interested please fill in the below form and return it to school with your child. Even if you can only offer a small amount of assistance, every little part makes a huge difference.

Link to the Volunteer form –