2025 Foundation (Prep) Enrolments

The Department of Education has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline. The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Drysdale Primary School. You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at Enrolling in Foundation (Prep), including the Department’s Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents and Carers.

Please note; Drysdale Primary School does not require the application form that is included in the Department’s information pack for Parents and Carers.

To enrol your child in Foundation for 2025 at Drysdale Primary School please complete our enrolment form and Photographing, Filming and Recording Students – Consent Form, refer below for pdf versions or you can collect an enrolment form pack from our school office.

Completed enrolment forms with supporting documentation can be returned to the school in person or via email drysdale.ps@education.vic.gov.au. Personal tours can be arranged at your convenience by phoning the school on 03 5251 2272.

IMPORTANT: Please read this notice before completing the enrolment form – Privacy Collection Notice (pdf)

Please return the completed enrolment form by 26th July 2024, the status of your enrolment application will be advised by 9th August 2024.

Our School Zone

Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria. Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school.

For more information, you can:


Please provide the following documents/information when submitting your child/children’s enrolment.

  • Completed Enrolment Form and Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Consent Form

Please note Enrolling Adult 1 is the Primary Carer and Enrolling Adult 2 is their partner living in the same household. If parents are separated and living in different homes please ensure the Attachment – Parent/Carer Details for Enrolling Adult 3 and Adult 4 is also completed.

The Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Consent Form allows the school to use student photos in displays around the school, in our newsletter (the Link), in promotional material, the school’s yearbook, award certificates, etc.

  • Birth Certificate

Your child must be at least 5 years of age by the 30th of April 2025. It is a condition of enrolment that the school receives a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Please send this at the time of submitting your child’s enrolment forms.

  • Immunisation Certificate/Statement

Immunisation certificate/statement must include 4-year-old vaccinations. It is a condition of enrolment that the school receives a copy of your immunisation certificate. These can be obtained via your Medicare online account. Please send this at the time of submitting your child’s enrolment forms.

  • Medical Details

Details of medical or other conditions for which your child may need special consideration.

  • Emergency Contacts

Two emergency contacts other than parents/guardians are required.

2025 Enrolment Form

Student Enrolment Form 2025 (PDF Version)

Photographing, Filming and Recording Students – Consent Form