School Uniform

Drysdale Primary School has a strong sense of community both as a school and as part of the wider town. The school’s uniform brings a clear sense of identity and connection to both the school and the community of Drysdale.

Children who are strongly connected to their school and engaged with the school community have a greater sense of belonging and the enhanced sense of security that comes from this.  Consequentially they have higher levels of self-esteem and are better learners as a result.  A school uniform closely linked to the Drysdale community’s identity through the choice of gold and brown as the uniform colours increase this connectedness internally between students and externally to the town.  A consistent uniform presents a positive public image especially when children are participating in activities outside the school.


Noone Bellarine Uniforms

Noone Bellarine Uniforms is our official uniform supplier. They are located at 162 Moorabool St, Geelong.

Information about Noone, including the pricelist, can be found at the following link  – Drysdale PS – Noone Bellarine Uniforms

Onsite Shop Opening Hours – Tuesday’s 8:30am – 9:30am

Second-Hand Uniform Store

The Parents and Friends Group run a Second-Hand Uniform Store at school. The store is located in the portable classroom near the Prep Playground, next to the Hall.

Opening Hours

Tuesday  from 8:45am to 9:15am.

Friday from 3:15pm to 3:45pm.

Stock is made up of both donated items and unnamed lost property.

All profits from the Store are spent on improvements within the school.

Made for School

Made for School offer higher quality items, but their range of brown and/or gold items is limited.

They also accept online orders and charge a $9.90 flat-rate delivery fee.