Drysdale Primary School

NAPLAN 2021 On My School Website

The most recent set of NAPLAN results have been released on the My School website My School . This year the website presents information about the relative progress of students compared to the performance of similar students.

The children at Drysdale Primary School are shown to be making more progress than similar students in both Reading and Mathematics.  This reflects the excellence of our teachers, staff and the fantastic ability of our students to learn.

Congratulations to our students, to our staff and to the families who have supported their children to be such great learners.


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School Council

The Drysdale Primary School Council met last night and elected new officers for March 2022 to February 2023.

Julie Penfold is the School Council President.

Gary Absolom is the Vice President

Rachel Scott is the Treasurer

Leanne Sharples is the Secretary.

Julie, Gary, Rachel and Leanne all have children at DPS and have been on Council previously. All are deeply involved in the life of the school and support us through parents and friends

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Drysdale Community Market 

St Ignatius College Academic Award Presentation Evening

Last Thursday St Ignatius College held is Academic Award presentation evening acknowledging 10 students in each year group and those students in last year’s Year 12 who received an ATAR score of 40 or higher.

I am delighted that there was a significant number of former DPS students receiving awards. It is great that these students have been able to build on the learning at DPS and continue their excellence into secondary school.

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Reminder School Working Bee This Saturday 26th March At 9.00am

Well it’s that time of year when we have a lot of work to do to clean up the school yard and the library area. We are therefore holding a community working bee this Saturday. We need as many families as possible to help and lend a hand with many jobs around our school environment.

Thank you to the families that have volunteered. There are lots of jobs and many hands make light work, even if you can spare a couple of hours please fill in the link below and join us this Saturday morning.

Where: Drysdale Primary School grounds. Please meet near the Prep playground for a OH&S briefing. 
When: Saturday 26th March 2022.
Time: 9:00am – 12:00noon

What we need: Please bring along wheelbarrows, brooms, shoves, rakes, garden gloves, whipper snippers, hammers and nails, and trailers.
On the day we will have many jobs for all ages and skill levels. Some of the jobs will include: Pruning trees, spreading mulch, whipper snippering edges, weeding, removal of garden waste and repairing garden beds.

Please click on the link below and fill in the details so that we can keep track of how many people to expect on the day and how many cold drinks we will need to supply.
Many thanks and we hope to see many of our school community members here on this day.

Working Bee Attendance

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Noone Uniform Shop 

Harmony Day This Friday 25th March

We will be celebrating Harmony Day 2022 this Friday 25th March with students and staff asked to wear a splash of orange to recognise and celebrate cultural diversity!

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Potato Fair Gold Sponsors 


This year we have introduced a new space to utilise with students and teachers, as well as with our families. It is a classroom space in the main corridor of school, near the Year 5-6 class spaces and is known as the Wellbeing Hub.

The Wellbeing Hub is a space that is used for many of our lunchtime clubs and Student Support Group meetings. Our Kids Matter Kids use this space for planning and preparing the work they share with our school such as videos and hopefully assemblies later this year.

We also have some new intervention groups that are running through the school year, led by school staff or external support groups such as Batforce. These intervention groups include the Yoga Care Project, Growing Minds and Social Skill groups. It is so great to be able to offer so many different supports for our students wellbeing this year.

It is great to have this space in our school and we are sure that as the year goes on there will be even more ways the space is used. If you have any questions about student wellbeing, please contact the school via email and your messages will be passed to Nicole or Kate.

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BPay Payments – Important Changes

In 2022, as per directive from The Department of Education and Training, there has been major changes to the collection of payments from parents/carers.

Unfortunately this means we have deactivated our BPAY facility.

All payments are now made via the parent Sentral portal.

Families who currently have credit on their account should have received a statement via email. Credit can be used at Parent/Carer’s discretion throughout the year. Alternatively a refund can be arranged.

Please be aware, the school is not allowed to automatically allocate credit to any activities or other items without a clear directive from Parents/Carers. Requests to use credit is required for every activity/item.

Families who have a CSEF credit can only use these monies for Camps, Sports or Excursions. Any unused portion of CSEF will carry over each year or alternatively be transferred to a student’s new school if applicable.


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End Of Term Activities

It’s nearly the end of term and it’s going to be busy!!!!

There are a lot of events happening! Happy Being Me Incursion (Prep), House Cross Country (Year 3-6), Mini Mudder (Whole School), Lightening Premiership (Year 5 and Year 6), Bellarine Railway Excursion (Year 1 and Year 2), Drysdale Library Excursions (Year 3 and Year 4) and SK Reading Group visit to the library!!!!!

Please make sure you have given permission for your child/children’s activities and make payment if required via the Sentral Portal/App.

All events are on the Sentral Portal/Parent app calendar.


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Mini Mudder – Thursday 31st March

We are excited to host our own Mini Mudder obstacle course! This event was last held in 2018, where the students had the best time crawling through the mud, climbing over hay bales or weaving their way through the spider web, all whilst having fun! There will be varying degrees of obstacles set around the oval.

Students need to wear OLD casual clothes and OLD shoes on the day. (no singlet or crop tops) Please note that after the event, these clothes and shoes will be so dirty that they will probably need to go straight in the bin when students get home! Students who do not wish to participate in the mud can run through the course marked ‘clean’.

Parents and carers we need your help on the day either setting up, packing up or on an obstacle station.  Please use the online sign up sheet to volunteer: Mini Mudder Volunteer Sign Up Form.

Volunteers will require a Working with Children’s check.

To assist with the costs for this event families can make a voluntary donation of up to $10 per student via the Sentral Parent Payment App/Portal, if you would like to donate more you can send cash with your child to the school office. The money raised will go towards the outdoor stage. We can’t wait for this fun event!


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Breakfast Club

We want to say a very HUGE thank you to all our wonderful families that have kindly dropped of some much needed supplies over the past couple of weeks. We really appreciate your support and can’t thank you enough for helping us out!!

We are still in need of margarine, so if you would like to support Breakfast Club, a tub of margarine would be amazing. There is a tub at the office that will be checked regularly and things put in the fridge, so you are welcome to drop off the donations there. We use up to 15 loaves of bread a morning, so you can imagine we go through a lot of margarine. While we do love butter, it just isn’t as kind when spreading so we only use margarine. Any brand or any type is fine with us. Thank you so much in advance.

We have been serving up our toasties and toast each Monday and Friday morning, along with lots fresh fruit and yoghurts from Feed Me Bellarine. Each week they donate different items for our Breakfast Club, along with bread.

Baker’s Delight in Drysdale also provide our bread and we thank them too. You can show your appreciation and support of these two businesses by donating or shopping with them.

Kate and Kendra


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Whole School Special Lunch Order Day – Wednesday 6th April

There is a special canteen lunch available to all students Wednesday, 6th April, order forms have been sent home with students this week.

Orders can be made online via quickcliq.com.au or handed into the canteen no later then Monday, 28th March.

Please note that normal canteen items are NOT available on this day.

Please find a copy of the order form

2022 Term 1 Special Canteen Order


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Open Evening For Parents Of Children Starting School In 2023

We will be holding an open evening for parents/carers of children who are due to start school in 2023. This will be on Monday April 4th starting at 6.30 pm.

We will be talking in general terms about the process for enrolling your child in school as well as giving some specific information about Drysdale Primary.

Everyone is welcome to join us in our Prep building.


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Regenerate Australia – Film Viewing And Q&A Session With Damon Gameau

On Thursday the 17th of March, Mrs Hoyne, Mrs Alonso, Alahna, Heidi, Sienna and I all went to Bellarine Secondary College to watch a film. The film was called ‘Regeneration’. It was amazing to learn all about what is badly affecting the earth and how we can make a difference to the future.

There is also an internet search engine called Ecosia and when you search up things on the internet, it goes towards the business and they plant a tree. When you sign into that website, you can still search your normal things up! Damon Gameau said he has been using Ecosia for about 3 years now and has planted about 5 thousand trees. I had an amazing day and I would love to do something like that again! -Lucy Senior

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Nude Food

Thank you to everyone who brings nude food every Tuesday. Not only is it a healthy choice for you, but it helps keep our playground and local environment clean.

Every week we count up how many students brought nude food in every class. We announce winners every Friday afternoon in assembly.

Our class winners this week are Prep C and Senior D .

Our individual prize winners are Khyran from our Junior Years and Charlie from Senior. They both received a stainless steel drinking straw! Congratulations!

Thank you to Drysdale Coles for sponsoring nude food this term.

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Pupil Free Day – Tuesday 26th April

The first day of term 2, Tuesday April 26th, will be a pupil free day. ANZAC Day, a public holiday, is on the Monday of that week. During the pupil free day the staff will be continuing their professional learning about the development of writing in schools. Students first day of  Term 2 is Wednesday April 27th.

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Stuck On You Fundraiser

We have continued to team up with ‘Stuck On You’ to help your child’s items stay away from lost property!

‘Stuck On You’ is a local Breakwater business that provide personalised labels and items. ‘Stuck On You’ has a large range of products including Bento Box’s, School Bags, Drink Bottles, Labels, Gifts, and so much more.

For every purchase made a rebate of 20% goes towards the outdoor stage! Check out our unique fundraising at https://www.stuckonyou.com.au/affiliate/fundraiser/DRYSDALEPRIMARY
Or visit ‘Stuck On You’ https://www.stuckonyou.com.au/ enter our fundraising code DrysdalePrimary at the checkout.


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Bellarine Secondary College Accelerated Learning Program (formerly the SEAL)

Bellarine Secondary College applications for the Accelerated Learning Program (Formerly the SEAL program) close the last week of Term 1.
Students and families who wish to try out for the program will need to get an application form from the school website https://www.bellarinesc.vic.edu.au/enrolments/al-enrolment/
Student Eligibility

The Accelerated Learning Program is not for all students. It is both demanding and rewarding. It provides students with challenge and enrichment within a motivated and academic peer group. It entails a greater workload and depth of learning in the early years of secondary schooling.

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Camp Australia

This week at OSHC at Drysdale Primary School we are becoming architects and builders as we explore different construction methods within the service. There has already been so much creativity going on, as well as some problem solving and teamwork as the children try to figure out little problems that arise in their constructions. Next week, we are focusing on Superheroes, a theme that the children have suggested.

Already there have been lots of discussions about the topic. We will finish out the term with an Easter themed week, which will include the announcement of the winners of our very popular annual Easter Colouring Competition
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Drysdale Primary School

School Council Members

President: Julie Penfold Vice President: Stephanie Davey
Treasurer: Seumas Spark Executive Officer: Glen Lauder
Secretary: Evan Wailes    
Members: Gary Absolom, Kate Lockhart, Miquel Trujillo Coll, Nic Alonso, Tara van Winckel, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Wojcik
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email