Drysdale Primary School

Family Dance Night

Family Dance Night will be happening on Thursday March 4th at 5.00pm to 7.30pm. This is an evening for our school community to come to together to celebrate the start of the school year, make contact with new families and old friends while the children have fun dancing. We will be running the event slightly differently this year to respond to potential COVID restrictions.

This year the event will be held outdoors on the oval. We are inviting families to bring a rug (to support appropriate social distancing) and a picnic. Please note that there will not be any food available to buy at the event this year. As this is a primary school event, it must also be alcohol free. Moving the event to be fully outside with no inside alternative available, means that it is a weather dependent event.

It will be so amazing to have a whole school event again!

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School Council Parent Representative Nominations

We are seeking nominations from parents/carers interested in joining our School Council. Our School Council oversees our broad strategic and financial directions. This will be especially significant this year as we are due to complete our four yearly strategic review in Term 4.

Any parent interested in self nominating can request a nomination form from the school office. These need to have been returned to school no later than Thursday February 18th at 4pm. If a formal election is required I will inform the community about this in The Link published on Tuesday February 23rd.

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Drysdale Community Market 

Kids Matter Assemblies

Our Kids Matter Assemblies will be on Friday afternoons in weeks 4 and 8 (Feb 19th and March 19th). These assemblies will begin at 2.30 pm.

This is earlier than our normal weekly assemblies so that we have finished in time for the children to go home at 3.30 pm. Currently only school students and school staff can attend assembly.

Children are invited to wear their house t shirts on Kids Matter Assembly days.

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Thank you for the very positive response to the reminder in last week’s Link to wear our school uniform in brown and gold. It is wonderful to see just about every student in uniform.

We are hoping to reopen our second hand uniform shop shortly. Following my post in The Link last week we now have a team of two people who are willing to help with the second hand uniform shop.

If there is anyone else who is willing to put their hand up to join the team, that would be fantastic, please contact me to discuss what is involved philip.dunlop-moore@education.vic.gov.au

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Noone Uniform Shop 


Thank you to parents who have contacted me asking about tutoring and its availability to support their children. We are working through the list of qualifying students and working hard to identify the best means of supporting each of these students to ensure they recover lost ground.

There will be four separate approaches:

• Some students will receive tutoring intensively for as long as the whole of this first semester. Some students will receive intensive tutoring during the second half of the year.
• This intensive tutoring will be based either in the students’ classes or as a separate group away from the student’s class depending on the students’ needs. The maximum amount of tutoring any one child will receive amounts to three 45 minute sessions per week.
• Some students have much smaller and very specific needs that will be addressed with a few sessions explicitly addressing these small learning gaps.
• Some students will not receive tutor support directly because their learning styles and needs mean that they will recover lost ground within their regular classroom.

Once we have finalised which students are in each of these programs, we will contact their parents with details of how our support for their child will be organised. We anticipate that the information roll out will begin next week.

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Potato Fair Gold Sponsors 


We have been back for a couple of weeks and couldn’t be happier with how everyone has returned to school. While there are a few tears in the mornings, students are happy to be back with their friends.
Across the school teachers have been eager to get to know their new classes and students and have been making sure we START RIGHT in 2021.

You can see from the photos that our focus has been on the expectations, routines and expected behaviours in class, outside and online. It has been great to see such a positive start to the school year. Everyone has been learning to learn and discussing why school is important and why we come each day.

Thank you to all our amazing parents and carers and the community for the support you have given each day to Start Right this year. We look forward to working with you all and continuing this positivity right through the school year.

Please see read more for all the start right photos

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Family Payments

Information about family payments for 2021 can be found in the resources tab in the parent portal/sentral parent app. It provides information relating to your child/ren’s year group. There are significant changes to the arrangements this year.

Unless you have arranged a payment plan, we ask that Essential Student Learning items (fees) are paid by the end of Term 1. If you wish to arrange a payment plan via BPAY please contact the Administration Office. BPAY details are unique to every family, if you require your code please email the school drysdale.ps@education.vic.qov.au.



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Late Arrival At School

When your child arrives late to school without a parent/guardian or a note, your child will be recorded as ‘late-unexplained’ on Sentral.

To ensure we are able to maintain accurate attendance records for your child, we kindly ask that you notify us that your child is running late by either coming with your child to sign them in, recording an absence on the parent portal or calling us on 5251 2272.

We thank you all for your understanding and cooperation on this matter.

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Camp Australia

It has been a busy and fun first full week back at school for the children attending OSHC at Drysdale primary school. We’ve been working on our child profiles so that we can learn about the children’s interests, and plan experiences that will guide their growth and learning, while still being relevant and engaging for them.

This week we are celebrating Chinese New Year, with lots of fun activities planned, including a chopstick relay, panda cards, discovering our Chinese Zodiac animal, and learning to write some Chinese characters.

Camp Australia recognises that it can be challenging to know everything you need to know about how outside school hours care. That’s why we’ve organised informative and interactive virtual information sessions that ensure you get the most relevant information for your family. These sessions will be run by our leaders in the OSHC community, and will answer questions on programs that are offered, the registration and booking process, billing, the Child Care Subsidy, and much more. There are two sessions; one will be held on Tuesday the 16th of Feb at 12:30, while the other will be held on Thursday the 18th of Feb at 8:00. To register for one of these sessions please go to www.campaustralia.com.au/virtual-info-sessions. If you can’t make it to one of these sessions, you can also simply call into the service, and we will answer your questions to the best of our ability. Alternatively you can send s an email at oshc@campaustralia.com.au and one of our friendly Customer Care representatives can answer your questions.

With last weeks adjustment to Covid related restrictions we ask that all parents please wear a face mask when dropping off or collecting their child from the service.

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Drysdale Primary School

School Council Members

President: Julie Penfold Vice President: Stephanie Davey
Treasurer: Seumas Spark Executive Officer: Glen Lauder
Secretary: Evan Wailes    
Members: Gary Absolom, Kate Lockhart, Miquel Trujillo Coll, Nic Alonso, Tara van Winckel, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Wojcik
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email