Drysdale Primary School

Principal’s Update

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a great weekend.

Weather: With the cold and wet setting in, please know that we adjust our indoor/outdoor play accordingly… Too wet or too windy or both – we have the break indoors, just as we do when it is extremely hot!

Supervision: Another friendly reminder that supervision in the playground begins at 8.50amPLEASE use Their Care if needed and do not drop children off early in the morning. Staff are busily preparing for the day ahead and are not on supervision duties until 8.50am.

Division Sports: Well done to our netball and soccer teams that took part in division finals last week. They did an awesome job competing and represented the school superbly! Good luck to our t-ball team who are playing tomorrow.

Reports: Staff are busy finalising assessments and report writing and there should be no surprises to families when they receive them in the last week of term. At times students make terrific progress at or above the expected level and sometimes, they don’t. This also applies to student behaviours across the school. Let’s keep working as a community to help those who need support in their reading, writing and maths – and with behaviours.

Staffing: Last Friday we farewelled Mrs Natasha Irvine as she finished up to start her Family Leave. While we are sad to see Tash go, we are very excited for her as she starts another chapter in her life. Ms Raelee Hovey will be taking over SI on a full-time basis from the start of Term 3. Raelee has met the grade and brings years of experience to Drysdale PS.

Mobile Phones: Just a reminder that in line with Department of Education policy mobile phones are not permitted at school for all students. If a student needs to bring a mobile phone to school it must be handed in a the office when the student arrives at school. Phones will be stored securely. This also applies to smart watches. Please see me if you have any queries about this.


Glen Lauder


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Sonic Boom Rock School Performance – Friday 21st June at 3pm

This week’s assembly, Friday 21st June at 3pm, will be dedicated to a performance from the Sonic Boom Rock School students. Parents/Carers are welcome to come and enjoy the show.

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Drysdale Community Market 

Parents & Friends Group AGM – Monday 24th June at 6pm

Our AGM is next Monday, 24th June at 6:00pm, in the school library. If anyone would like to join P&F you are welcome to come along to this meeting, if you’re unable to make the meeting but would like to join please email dpsparentsandfriendsgroup@gmail.com.

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End of Term 2, Friday 28th June – Early Finish 2:30pm

School holidays are fast approaching, the last day of term is an early finish, 2:30pm, for all students. Term 3 starts Monday 15th July.

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Noone Uniform Shop 

ICAS Assessements

Drysdale Primary has had many students involved in the ICAS assessments throughout the years. This year we are offering students from Years 2 to 6, who are interested, the opportunity to engage in these assessments. It is NOT compulsory.

Please register your expression of interest with our co-ordinator, Alice Kuenzer, via email drysdale.ps@education.vic.gov.au before Friday 28th June.

‘ICAS recognises academic performance in a way others celebrate achievements in sport or the arts. Students can sit up to six literacy and STEM papers including English, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies, Writing and Spelling Bee. The questions are engaging and fun and have been designed by psychometricians, education measurement experts and experienced teachers to push students to their academic limits, as well as test higher-order thinking and problem-solving abilities.’

Assessments will occur at school and be supervised by Alice Kuenzer on specific dates from August 5th through until 30th August. https://www.icasassessments.com/event-calendar-australia/
English, Writing, Mathematics, Spelling Bee, Digital Technologies and Science are available.

Information will follow regarding the purchasing of assessment papers, which will be available to families on-line. Prices range PER PAPER from $19.95- $23.95 https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas/pricing/. Once open, online ordering will close 29th July. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PURCHASE PAPERS YET!

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Potato Fair Gold Sponsors 

Chickenpox (Varicella)

There has been a reported case of Chickenpox (Varicella) within the school community. Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). The main symptom is a blistering rash. Chickenpox can be contagious for pregnant women, newborn babies, and people with impaired immunity. The Department of Health advises that the communicable period is usually one to two days prior to the development of the rash and the incubation period is 2-3 weeks. Please consult your doctor if you identify any symptoms and advise the school of any confirmed cases. For more information about Chickenpox (Varicella), please visit the Better Health Channel website https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/chickenpox.

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2025 Foundation Enrolments

We are currently taking enrolments for 2025 Foundation. Any families who would like a tour of the school please phone the school office and we will arrange a mutually convenient time, 03 5251 2272.


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Student Information Updates

Individual emails were sent out to families last week with student details and current contact information. It is important that our records are up to date in case of an emergency, can families please check the information and advise the school of any updates drysdale.ps@education.vic.gov.au.

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Values Awards

Congratulations to our Values Award recipients. Read more…

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Sayembara Lisan (Indonesian Speaking Competition)

On Thursday, 30th of May, 21 students from Drysdale Primary School competed in the Geelong Sayembara Lisan (Indonesian Speaking Competition). There were over 160 students competing from both Primary and Secondary levels. Congratulations to the following 14 students who have been selected to compete at the state finals in Melbourne.

Juniors – Poppy, Piper and Julia

Middles – Elizabeth, Mackenzie, Lexi and Alexia

Seniors – Hellend, Magenta, Streicher, Xavier, Eliza, William and Tahlia



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High Abilities Biomimicry Excursion

On Wednesday the 5th of June, some students were selected to attend the High Abilities excursion focusing on Biomimicry.

On the day the students participated in an exploration of Biomimicry in the Geelong Botanic Gardens and ended the day with a design activity. Students were to use the function of a plant to inform a design that would benefit our every day lives. Some students used a design for a house watering system and others a chicken coop.

It was an amazing day and we would like to thank Lucy Croxford for organising this opportunity.

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Community Notices

Please ‘read more’ for information about various school holiday programs in the region;

Read more…

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Drysdale Primary School

School Council Members

President: Julie Penfold Vice President: Seumas Spark
Treasurer: Executive Officer: Glen Lauder
Secretary: Evan Wailes    
Members: Gary Absolom, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Lockhart, Kate Wojcik
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email