Drysdale Primary School

Return to School Tomorrow – Wednesday 28th July

Face to face teaching resumes tomorrow, Wednesday. Thank you to every family in our community for working so productively with us to ensure the children in our community are safe.

I must also commend the school’s staff who have also done an amazing job juggling the demands of remote learning with all that lockdown has brought professionally and personally.

We are all very happy to be returning to face to face teaching and seeing everyone back on site.

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COVID Restrictions

We are anticipating that there will be restrictions placed on school operations. We expect to receive these from the Department of Education later today. We will communicate these to our families as necessary.

Based on the broader restrictions announced it seems sensible:

· To wear a mask when coming into the school grounds

· To maintain social distancing and avoid gathering in in groups

· To continue to check in with our QR code if you have to enter one of the school buildings e.g. the office area.

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Drysdale Community Market 

Swimming and Athletics

We are waiting for advice about whether we can continue with our planned swimming and athletics events.

Please note that the start of our swimming program has already been pushed back to commence on Monday August 2nd but will still run for the planned seven days for Prep to Year 4 and five days for Year 5 and 6. The program will finish on Tuesday August 10th.

The house athletics for Years 3 to 6 has been pushed back to Wednesday 11th August.

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Staff Changes

Simone George, 5MB, will be taking long service leave for the remainder of the school year. We have appointed Hayley Keogh to take over Simone’s teaching role.

Brooke Burgess who shares the teaching of 5MB has let me know that she is pregnant with her second child due in late December. Brooke will continue teaching 5MB until she begins her family leave in late November.

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Noone Uniform Shop 


Congratulations on all of your hard work both onsite and offsite. We have both seen some fabulous learning occurring over the past week!

Mrs Alonso popped into some Webex check ins last week while Miss Wojcik saw some amazing learning happening onsite! Mrs A played bingo online with 1/2H, joined in a Jolly Phonics session with Prep E and said “Hello” to 2E while they shared their favourite learning tasks from the week.

Miss Wojcik saw students onsite working through their Remote Learning Grids with staff and completing some amazing Specialist tasks. It was also exciting to see all of the learning that was happening on Google Classroom across Years 3-6.

RDA sessions will be confirmed as soon as we hear from them regarding any restrictions.

We welcome to the Inclusion team Samantha and Kerryn who will begin at DPS on Monday. We look forward to them joining our team and supporting further students at DPS.

We can’t wait to see all of you back onsite tomorrow!!!! Yay!!!!!

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Potato Fair Gold Sponsors 

Camp Australia

Lockdown at OSHC has been quiet, but still filled with fun as we try to keep things positive and routines consistent. We’ve been playing lots of games, as well as doing some quiet crafting activities. We had a movie and popcorn night, and we’ve also been looking through some of our new books.

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Drysdale Primary School

School Council Members

President: Julie Penfold Vice President: Gary Absolom
Treasurer: Seumas Spark Executive Officer: Glen Lauder
Secretary: Evan Wailes    
Members: Matthew Adamis, Nic Alonso, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Lockhart, Tara van Winckel, Kate Wojcik
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email