Drysdale Primary School

Mother’s Day

We are going to celebrate Mother’s Day by focusing on a special person at home. We have uploaded some wonderful art and craft activities on the school’s website for the children to access if they wish. These can be found in learning tab, remote learning, wellbeing and inclusion.

I would like to take this opportunity to applaud our parent community who consistently demonstrate an unwavering commitment to helping their children to become the best people they can be. We are very grateful to you for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of this journey. It is one of the greatest privileges of working within the education system and never more true than in these unprecedented and challenging times.

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Pupil Free Day Friday May 8th Cancelled

The pupil free day scheduled for this Friday, May 8th, has been cancelled. This will make little difference to most families in the current circumstances. But it is significant for families who meet the strict criteria for on-site supervision.

We are negotiating with the presenter to find an alternative date. As it took eighteen months to find the current date, this may be some time in the future, possibly even next year.

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Drysdale Community Market 

Remote Learning

During the last week we have introduced video links with groups of students to provide a closer contact between students and their teachers. I hope that this has been a positive addition to our remote learning program. Speaking with the Principals of other local schools it appears that the experiences of families in the Drysdale community is very similar and wide ranging to those of families in other schools’ communities.

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2020 Camp Program Survey

We will be sending out a short anonymous survey to gather your thoughts and feelings about the Camp Program for 2020. Please note that each survey is specific to each year level, so you may receive more than one survey.

It would be greatly appreciated if you can take to time to complete the survey for each applicable year level. A lot has changed since we sent home the original information seeking permissions and deposits. We would be interested in hearing the views of our parent community about our Camp Program. We understand that there are very good reasons for it to go ahead and there are also very good reasons why it should be cancelled for this year. The survey is a consultation and not a vote. The final decision about whether the Camp Program runs may also be taken out of our hands if there is a directive from the Department of Education as part of the return to “normal” school whenever that happens. Please look out for this survey and have your say.

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Noone Uniform Shop 

Prep 2021 Enrolments

While school is not operating as ‘normal’ we are still moving forward and accepting enrolments for Prep 2021.

Please visit our website using the following link to access all the information and forms that you will need to enrol your child for 2021, http://www.drysdaleps.vic.edu.au/?page_id=21734. If you have any questions regarding the process please do not hesitate to contact the school via email at drysdale.ps@education.vic.gov.au.

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Potato Fair Gold Sponsors 


We hope you are all keeping well and looking after yourselves and each other. Last week proved tricky and a challenge for some. It is ok to feel overwhelmed some days and to choose as a family to ‘sit this day out!’ As a school we totally understand the pressures of Remote Learning, family and working from home.

The Inclusion Team have added some more resources for families this week including some templates for Mother’s Day cards, some brain break activity dice, coloured counters for maths games and counting tasks, a couple of maths board games suitable for junior school years and a brochure with information on connecting to Gateways Health Services. Please see the school website for these resources. In the learning tab, Remote Learning – Wellbeing and Inclusion.
Thanks to everyone who entered our Jellybean/Marshmallow challenge! It was so great to see a mix of technical thinking and imagination!

And the winner is…………………Kate from Year 3! Congratulations Kate! You have won a $5 canteen voucher!
This weekend we will be celebrating Mother’s Day and some important people in our lives. Our Mums, Nannas, Grandmas, Special People, Aunties and anyone who helps look after you! We would love to see who is special to you! Spend some time drawing a picture of your special person and ask your family to send it through to the school email. Pictures will be published in the Link and Facebook page to celebrate our amazing special people!

As an upcoming challenge we would love some family input! Send through your suggestions and you may even see some staff participation!
Please see more for all the wonderful jelly bean/marshmallow creations.

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Year 1 Remote Learning

The Year 1 students are working extremely well during Term 2. Many of them are missing their friends and teachers, but they are sending in some great photos of their terrific work. Last week we all read the story The Gruffalo and then drew and labelled some fantastic pictures of what we imagined him to look like.

We have also been creating wonderings about our Inquiry Big Idea -“Everyone plays a role in using and protecting Earth’s natural resources.” In maths, we have been focusing on doubles and near doubles and using these to add numbers. Overall, the Year 1s are completing some amazing work and showing their teachers that they are very resilient and able to give anything a go, even when they are faced with different challenges. Super Effort Year 1s.

Please click on the below links to see all the amazing work our Year 1s have been doing.

1 RH’s Gruffalo

1T Gruffalo

1LH Gruffalos

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Camps Sports and Excursion Fund

Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

•• $125 for primary school students

•• $225 for secondary school students

Please see the attached flyer for more information:


Please find CSEF application form:


If you have any questions regarding the Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund please contact us via email  drysdale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au.

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Remote Study Buddies

While everyone is remote learning we thought it would be fun to keep our community connected by sharing some pictures of how different remote learning looks in every home.

This week’s theme was who is your remote study buddy. Thanks to those families who have sent us photos of your furry, fluffy study buddy, we’re sure everyone will enjoy the photo gallery. Keep your eyes peeled to see each week’s theme – we have some fun theme’s planned!

Please see more for all the photos.

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DPS Boredom Busters

Wow thank you to all the families who have sent in their crossword and word find answers! We have selected one correctly answered of each for you to correct yours at home. Congratulations to Kate of Year 3 who again correctly answered the crossword and word search.

Students, staff and families are invited to have a go at solving this weeks fun puzzles. We’d love to see your answer sheets and will feature a correctly answered crossword or word search in next week’s Link to share the answers with our community.

To submit your answer sheet, please email it through to the school: drysdale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

Please find answers to last week’s crossword and word search.

Boredom Buster answers from students 2

This week’s crossword and word search

DPS Boredom Buster Cross word 3

Dps Boredom Buster Word Search 3

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Camp Australia

In the last week OSHC has been a busy place, with the main topic of conversation being fairies, or jokes, with some of the children practising their comedy routines during their time at the service, something that has brought a lot of laughs and smiles to everyone’s faces. Making “fairy potions” with flowers, leaves and small rocks has been another highlight of the week. With the weather turning cold we weren’t able to get as much outside time as we would have liked, however we were able to compensate for this by playing balloon games in the hall to get the children active. During weather conditions like these we are very fortunate to have access to the hall space to give the children room to run around even without being outside.

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Drysdale Primary School

School Council Members

President: Julie Penfold Vice President: Stephanie Davey
Treasurer: Seumas Spark Executive Officer: Glen Lauder
Secretary: Evan Wailes    
Members: Gary Absolom, Kate Lockhart, Miquel Trujillo Coll, Nic Alonso, Tara van Winckel, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Wojcik
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email