Next week is Concert Week. We will have the sound and set up bump in from Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will be having a full dress rehearsal matinee performance, students can come in their costumes or parts of their costumes for this. All Prep to Year 5 students will be performing in the morning between 9am-11am. After recess our Year 6 production will have their matinee performance. If they prefer Year 6 can change through recess time for their rehearsal.
We invite families, parents, carers, grandparents and friends along to watch our matinee. This is free and will run from about 9.15am in the Hall. The first 4 rows will be reserved for any families coming to watch. Please note that the rest of the school will be in the Hall also part of the audience when they are not on stage. While it is a full dress rehearsal, it may run longer than concert night as we work through any sound or other details ready for the main show. Hope to see you there!!
Matinee Dress Rehearsal
Prep – Year 5 class song items – 9.15am – 11am
Year 6 Production – 11.45am – 12.45pm
Concert Night
“The Games” School Concert will start from 6pm in our school Hall. Doors will open from 5.30pm. Please follow the signage for the best door to enter for your seats.
- Concert Part 1 – 6pm-7pm
- Interval – 7pm-7.20pm
- Concert Part 2 – 7.30pm-8.45pm
The Canteen will have food and drink options for the night, we highly recommend pre-ordering for the interval to ensure you can return to your seats on time for Part 2.
Tickets available here – https://www.trybooking.com/CURUC
Ticket sales close Thursday, 19 September at 5pm.
Click link below to PRE ORDER – Drysdale PS Concert Video 2024