This term we are holding Learning Conversations with families and class teachers. These will be on Wednesday July 31st from 3:40pm – 7pm and Tuesday August 6th from 3:40pm – 5pm.
Families can access bookings on the Sentral Portal app.
The Learning Conversations will be for 10 minutes with parents/carers and classroom teachers. In this time, you will be able to discuss learning successes and achievements from Semester 1, look at workbooks, see more of the tasks your child was proud of and also discuss future learning goals and needs for Semester 2.
These Learning Conversations will take the place of previous Student Led Conferences, where your child led the meeting and shared their learning. It will allow time for teachers and parents/carers to talk about the learning and needs of your child together. Families are welcome to have their child present for these conversations, but this is no longer a requirement for the evenings.
Please look for the links on the Sentral Portal to sign up for your times with class teachers later this week. We look forward to seeing you all on July 31st or August 6th.