Donated Furniture
We would like to thank Rotary Donations in Kind for collecting and distributing our old desks and chairs to children in developing countries, this is also a great incentive to reduce the impact on landfill.
Old Basketball Ring
A huge thank you to Grant Simpson (Lachlan’s dad – FV), for taking time out of his day to help Seumas Spark remove the old, disused basketball ring and pole! The school grounds are looking amazing and it’s wonderful to see the children enjoying the new basketball courts during recess and lunch.
Kids Matter Assembly
There will be no kids matter assembly this week, although students are still welcome to wear their house colour t-shirts.

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Student attendance is not required on Monday 18 November 2024, as teachers have a Curriculum Day scheduled.
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Book Fair
Next week we have Book Fair returning for the second time this year. It is a special BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Fair where you are welcome to choose a free book to keep of equal or lesser value when you make a purchase. If you do not wish to receive a free book, you can choose to donate one to our school library. The books arrive on Monday, so teachers will be able to visit with their classes to record wish lists and look at what is on offer.
The Book Fair is open in the Senior Building after school from Tuesday, 5 November to Friday, 8 November – 3.30pm – 4pm. EFTPOS facility preferred for payment, or correct cash as we will not have any cash for change.
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Congratulations to our Values Award recipients; Read more…
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Friendship Hands and Class Placement 2025
Later this week teachers will be sending home a small friendship hand for each child in Prep to Year 5 to complete, by recording 5 friends that they think would be a good fit in their class next year. We will be continuing with composite classes, so students are able to write the names of friends from the linked year level for 2025 classes for Year 1-2, Year 3-4 and Year 5-6. The teachers will be starting to complete their online surveys that support class development for 2025. We have a few weeks to be working on all of this and continuing with our school transition sessions through November to see how students interact and work with each other, to ensure we have classes that are balanced and will have success for everyone in 2025.
If you have any questions about transition or 2025 classes, please reach out to Glen or Kate to discuss. Please return Friendship Hands to your child’s class teacher by Friday, 15 November.
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Monday 11 November 2024 marks the anniversary of the Armistice that ended fighting with Germany in World War I. Every year at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, millions around the world pause in silence to remember the sacrifices many have made so we can enjoy life today.
Junior School Council will be selling ‘Remembrance Day Poppies’ from Wednesday, 30 October – $2 and $3 Poppies, and $5 Wristbands will be available.
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Come along to the Drysdale Primary School Art Show on Thursday, 7th November and enjoy the wonderful creative talents of our students!
- Gold coin donation to enter the show – held in the DPS Library
- Sausage sizzle will be available on the night

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Please read more for TheirCare’s latest newsletter;
Read more…
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Please ‘read more’ for information about events and activities in the region;
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School Council Members
President: |
Julie Penfold |
Vice President: |
Seumas Spark |
Treasurer: |
Executive Officer: |
Glen Lauder |
Secretary: |
Evan Wailes |
Members: |
Gary Absolom, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Lockhart, Kate Wojcik |
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email |