Drysdale Primary School

Welcome Back

What a joy it has been to see all our students back on-site for the first time. We have all learnt so much over the last few weeks about ourselves, each other and our community. We have learnt how much we can achieve as learners and the benefits of helping each other to learn. There are three more weeks of school this term which will give everyone a great opportunity to transition back to the patterns of school and on-site learning. We will be monitoring the operation of the school, e.g. enhanced cleaning arrangements, during the three weeks remaining to ensure that we do everything reasonable to protect the students. I acknowledge and appreciate the support of parents with arrival and departure arrangements.

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Return of Loaned Computer Equipment

A number of families borrowed school iPad’s or netbooks to help them with remote learning. Most of these have already been returned, thank you. Please can the last few devices be returned to school as soon as possible. These are part of class sets which are now needed in school again to support on-site learning.

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Drysdale Community Market 

School Uniform

After weeks of not needing to wear school uniform during remote learning, please can we remind everyone that we have a clear uniform policy and an expectation that all students wear the correct uniform. In particular please remember that our school colours are gold and brown and that pants and leggings should be in these colours.

The single exception is that black tights can replace brown tights when worn with the winter skirt or dress. Now that it is winter, many children will wear a jumper. This must be brown or gold – Drysdale Hawks tops are fine except in formal situations such as school photographs. Coats and other coloured tops may not be worn in class.

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School Assemblies

We will continue to run a whole school assembly on Monday mornings. This will be done remotely via our WebEx platform. For the remainder of this term this will only be accessible to classes in school while we test the capacity of the system. Our aim is to make this available to parents from the start of Term 3. During whole school assemblies we will still present Principal Awards. Year group assemblies will be held in similar ways towards the end of the week.

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Noone Uniform Shop 

Important Dates For The Diary

Reports will be available online via the Parent Portal (Sentral) on Wednesday, 24th June. In line with guidance from the Department of Education, the end of Semester Reports will have a different format and content to the ones normally provided at this time of year. This reflects the differences resulting from the extended period of remote learning.

Term 2 finishes at 2:30pm on Friday, 26th June.

Monday, July 13th, the first day of Term 3, is a pupil free day. Our staff will be participating in professional development workshops on Literacy and Mathematics programs. Students will return to school after the mid-year holiday break on Tuesday, 14th July.


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Potato Fair Gold Sponsors 


It has been so great to see all the Year 3-6 students return to school today. While some were a little apprehensive and unsure about the return, going into classes has been enjoyable. Students have been settling back into school routines, talking with friends and getting to know some of the small changes about their school day. Being a sunny winter day, classes ate snack and lunch outside and were happy to see their friends again. Thank you to all our wonderful families for the work you did in supporting your children through remote learning. We are happy to take the reins back and have teachers and students in the classrooms again. You have all done the best in the situation we were put in and we thank you for all your help, patience and support.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as the Junior School Council and Kids Matter teams work together to create an end of term celebration. While there are only 3 weeks to go, we think that we have achieved a lot this term and look forward to reflecting on this time with the students and recognising the RAISE values they shown.

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Canteen Is Open

The canteen is open for business  with a brand new winter menu!

There will be some minor changes to the way the canteen will operate:
We would like to limit cash sales as much as possible so ask that you please pre order snacks for recess and lunch. You can do this your usual way of ordering, either on the children’s brown paper bag or online at quickcliq.com.au

If an item is required for snack time please specify this on your order.

If you would like to speak to Kylie in regards to orders or payments, she can be contacted via the school office on 5251 2272 between 9:15-10:40am.
Recess and lunch orders will be delivered to the children daily.

Please read more to view the winter menu you can also find the menu on the school website under about us tab, or via your sentral app.

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Prep 2021 Enrolments

We are now accepting enrolments for Prep 2021. Parents of children who have a brother or sister already at school also need to complete an enrolment form.

Please visit our website using the following link to access all the information and forms that you will need to enrol your child for 2021, http://www.drysdaleps.vic.edu.au/?page_id=21734. If you have any questions regarding the process please do not hesitate to contact the school via email at drysdale.ps@education.vic.gov.au.

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Camp Australia

While it might not feel like it, with some students only returning to school this week, it is time to start thinking about the upcoming school holidays. School Holiday club bookings are now open, with care being offered at Ocean Grove Primary School, East Geelong Primary School, Fyans Park Primary School, Montpellier Primary School and Ocean Grove Primary School. This Winter, Holiday Club is back with an exciting program that puts an emphasis on reconnecting friendships and helping children forge new ones. It gives you a chance to have some much-needed rest, while having that peace of mind that your children will be engaged and connected in a safe space.

With engaging activities like French Explorations where your children will dive into French culture, Weather the Storm where they will explore scientific experiments, or maybe Magic Architecture where they’ll create magnificent designs with magic corn; there are lots of activities to appeal to all ages and abilities, and will ensure they have a great holiday break. To find out when these activities are on during the school holidays and to find your nearest service, visit: www.campaustralia.com.au/holidayclubs.

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Drysdale Primary School

School Council Members

President: Julie Penfold Vice President: Stephanie Davey
Treasurer: Seumas Spark Executive Officer: Glen Lauder
Secretary: Evan Wailes    
Members: Gary Absolom, Kate Lockhart, Miquel Trujillo Coll, Nic Alonso, Tara van Winckel, Rebecca Hoyne, Kate Wojcik
School Councillors can be contacted via the school office or school email